About the movie "Not Just A Girl

Not Just A Girl" is a powerful and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the struggles of the girl child in pursuit of education. The movie follows the journey of Halima, a young girl who dares to dream of a life beyond the confines of her village. Despite facing opposition from her father and community, Halima remains determined to learn and grow. With each step forward, she faces numerous challenges, from sexual harassment, but her spirit remains unbroken. Will Halima's courage and resilience be enough to overcome the obstacles and achieve her dreams? "Not Just A Girl" is a poignant reminder that education is the key to unlocking the potential of the girl child, and that together, we can create a brighter future for all. Genre: Drama/Social Issue Target Audience: Global, with a focus on empowering young girls and women. Runtime: 25min Rating: PG-13 for mature themes and brief strong language.
